5 Things i want help busy families with!

5 Things I want to help busy families with

Below are areas in which this blog will help

 1. Get Fit Get Lean Get Focused

The benefits of martial arts are endless and they can improve your health. As a result, the practice of martial arts can transform one’s life for the better. For instance, if you have a lot of stress in your life, practicing can help you alleviate that stress and release it from your body and mind. It will also help you gain focus and clarity as it helps you achieve a sense of peace with yourself. There is something about being focused on fighting with all your might that relieves tension and stress from within. So whether or not you are interested in competing in tournaments, practicing will still be beneficial for your mental health.

Improve Your Physical Health

As previously mentioned, practicing martial arts is great for gaining focus and clarity by releasing tension from within the body and mind. Martial arts also help people gain energy which is crucial for physical activity such as running or jogging or even just walking around town.

Learn Self-Defense Skills

There is no question that self-defense skills are invaluable, especially in today’s society where violence is on the rise every day. If someone attacks you while you’re out walking, these skills will act as a deterrent to potential attackers so they don’t take advantage of you or anyone else around them who could be at risk of harm.

The importance of martial arts

Martial arts have many benefits including increased fitness, increased flexibility, increased coordination, reduced likelihood of injury, improved healing time, and reduced recovery time. Martial arts also help people with other health conditions such as depression.

2.           Online Workouts for the whole family

Our family is always on the go, trying to make it through our day. We are constantly needing to find a way to get our workouts in while making sure that we have enough time and energy for the rest of our tasks. What is one great way to do this? With online workouts! That’s where our online library comes in!

Online workouts allow you to work out anywhere, at any time. They are perfect for busy people who need an intense workout but don’t want to spend hours at the gym or take days off from work. With fitness & martial arts videos in the library, there is no excuse not to get your workout in.

One thing that makes online workouts so great is that they are so easy to use! You can literally set up your training program with a few clicks of a button. This allows you to adjust your workout based on what you feel like doing each day. Plus, you can control your own volume and intensity level – meaning that you can push yourself harder than ever before (or not) depending on how hard you want it!

The only downside about online workouts is that sometimes they lack variety. When you’re working out solely with videos and no live instructor, sometimes it’s difficult for people who prefer a certain type of physical activity or exercise routine. This can be remedied by finding a trainer or joining an online community with people who share the same interests as you do…who knows?

Also, if you have done any sort of internet research on “online work out” there are many. Our online library will give you this variety with an instructor only an email away, also the variety in styles that we offer, Kickboxing, JKD/Kali, Grappling, and solo workouts for each style with progression,

3.           Create vision/focus/daily action.

When you focus on your vision, it helps connect you to your daily activities. Visionaries think about the future in a way that provides guidance and direction for their goals. They take responsibility for their dreams and act out of alignment with those dreams because they are so focused on achieving them.

Creating a vision is essential to the success of any endeavor, including a martial arts practice. You need to see yourself as part of a larger group or community to achieve any level of success. Your vision needs to be detailed enough that others can understand where you are trying to go and how they can help you get there.

Aikido is an example of a martial arts art that requires its practitioners to have a clear vision of what they want from their practice before beginning it. The goal of Aikido training is peace, harmony, and love for all living things – not winning competitions or fighting opponents.

4. How to keep motivated after 40 years of age

The first thing to remember is that there is no age limit on martial arts. The only thing that limits a person is their motivation and dedication. If you are feeling disheartened or bored, then the key to staying motivated is to find something new in your practice, such as learning how to fight with a weapon or adding more weight training. There are so many things you can do with martial arts that it’s never boring. You could also try using your martial arts skills in different ways other than fighting like teaching karate in a school. It’s important not to get discouraged if you don’t feel like you’re improving quickly enough because there are always new techniques and improvements being made in the world of martial arts.

5.           Know exactly what you need to grade either online or in person.

Know exactly what you need to grade either online or in person. If you are grading for an online class, then a spreadsheet or Google document with the grading criteria is essential. This will make it easy to track your progress and keep things organized. For example, if the grading criteria are based on a 100-point scale, then each student can be graded accordingly against those points. If it is more objective, then work with your instructor to create a rubric that will be used in grading and evaluating students’ work.


Martial arts are for the whole family, the physical and mental aspects of training martial arts are incredible. No matter what age you are you can start training martial arts straight away, either in person at an academy or online with our workout plans that everyone can enjoy.

Also, you can now set goals and track your development in gaining your belt and gradings are now available online, via zoom if you can’t access an academy near you.

Martial arts is great for all families to help each other, and you can start at any age.